Thursday, January 18, 2007

Losing Weight The SAFE Way -----

When it comes to losing weight, we all know this is no easy task. It can actually be gruesome at times to say the least. With a little knowledge and know how, we can all make this so much easier! The main ingredient we MUST have to do this effectively, is to do it SAFELY!!! Lets explore some safe options here.

There are several questions that each one of us should ask before starting any new diet! You may want to talk with your doctor or other health care professional about controlling your weight before you decide on a weight-loss program. You should also find out as much as you can about your health needs before joining a weight-loss program. We should know how our weight loss will affect us. Is it healthy for me to lose weight? How will it help me to lose the weight? What should MY weight loss goals be? These are important questions and you will need to take them into consideration before starting any new weight loss plan! Should I take a weight loss medicine? How much should I exercise... these are very important questions!

If after discussing these issues with your doctor, you find a weight loss plan would be a good choice for you, you should look for one that is based on regular physical activity and an eating plan that is balanced, healthy, and easy to follow.

Tips to follow:
(1) First and foremost, you should find a healthy eating plan!
(2) Tips to increase moderate-intensity physical activity. This is very important!
(3) Slow and steady weight loss. Depending on your starting weight, experts recommend losing weight at a rate of 1/2 to 2 lbs per week. Weight loss may be faster at the start of a program. Dont let it discourage you if after the first few weeks the pounds seem to stop coming off. This is NORMAL IN WEIGHT LOSS! DONT GIVE UP!!!!!!
(4) Medical care if you are planning to lose weight by following a special formula diet, such as a very low-calorie diet.
(5) A plan to keep the weight off after you have lost it.

One of the most effective ways that I personally found was The Weight Watchers Plan. Its a terriffic plan and not that expensive to follow as well. The food is really good! I would recommend checking it out.
You may look at their site at
Weight Watchers.

A healthy eating plan is very important. I have known of people, and yes , even myself, that would try to stop eating all together. And yes, you may even lose the weight. This is very dangerous and should never be done. You put yourself at great risk and its not worth it. A safe and healthy eating habit will help you tremendously!!!!!

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